Following Jesus was never meant to be done in isolation. We believe life change happens in the context of relationships. Our LifeGroups are small groups of people designed to provide you an opportunity to be real and grow in your relationship with Jesus together.
Wherever you are in your faith, it's important that you find your next step. Growing is a process and there's always something going on at FBC Brandon to help you do that. Click below for a list of what we offer as ongoing and seasonal Bible studies and Classes on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm.

Worship Choir
Our Worship Ministry’s desire is to glorify and make famous the name of Jesus,
while creating an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to meet people where they are. We would love to have you join us for Worship Choir! Choir rehearsal is every Wednesday at 6:00pm.
while creating an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to meet people where they are. We would love to have you join us for Worship Choir! Choir rehearsal is every Wednesday at 6:00pm.
Our goal is to help women become fully devoted followers of Christ and to allow God's Word to inspire them to love, learn, and lead. We would love for you to be involved in our Women's Ministry! If that's your desire, please click the link below and someone will be in contact with you soon.

No matter what life stage you are in, our men's equipping opportunities will encourage you to be the man God has called you to be.
Senior Adults
At FBC Brandon we love and highly value Senior Adults. We have several LifeGroups available to choose from to engage in small group Bible study, and we have a monthly Senior Adult meeting called L.I.F.E. 1133 which includes great fellowship, a program, and a delicious meal. We hope you will join us soon.

If you have lost a loved one in the past and are looking for a place to find counsel and healing, GriefShare is coming to our church and will be available to our community. GriefShare is a network of 15,000+ churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief.
Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. The 13-week class runs twice a year and coincides with our Midweek schedule. The only expense for the class is a registration fee of $15 for your personal workbook. Anyone who has lost a loved one is invited to attend. Space is limited so please click the button below to sign up if you're interested.
Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. The 13-week class runs twice a year and coincides with our Midweek schedule. The only expense for the class is a registration fee of $15 for your personal workbook. Anyone who has lost a loved one is invited to attend. Space is limited so please click the button below to sign up if you're interested.
RightNow Media
Our church is always looking for ways to serve you as you live out your faith throughout the week. Therefore, we would like to invite you to an exciting new video library called RightNow Media. To make an account with RightNow Media you must be sent a specific link from the church office, which you can get by clicking the "Create Account" button below.

FBC Library
Both our Boyce Thompson Campus as well as our Downtown Campus house a church library. The ministry of the Church Library is to provide good, wholesome media to our church family and guests and to support our church ministries with related materials. The Boyce Thompson Library is open before and after worship hours on Sunday and before Midweek on Wednesday evenings. The Downtown Library is open every Wednesday from 10-4. Self check-out is available at both locations when church is open.