
Pastors & Staff

Dr. Bo Rice

Senior Pastor

Ministry Team

John Egbert

Cory Carr

Executive and Discipleship Pastor
Worship and Creative Arts Pastor

Rodney Bounds

Aaron Sibley

Minister of Senior Adults
Minister of Students

Brent Leach

Sports Evangelism and Men's Director

Christy McIlwain

Kristy Hill

Minister of Children and Families
Preschool Director

Jacob Whaley

Minister of Middle School Students

Vince Lee

Media Director

Amber Biswell

Communication Director

Zane Warren

Music Director

Jen Howell

Children's Center Afterschool Director

Nakia Pearson

Children's Center Preschool Director

Administrative Team

Allen Clark

Davis Watts

Director of Operations
Financial  Administrator

Jamie Walker 

Senior Pastor Executive Assistant

June Poole

Lisa Mason

Lisa McCartney

Financial Administrative Assistant
Music Administrative Assistant
Children's Ministry Assistant

Michele Simkins

Ministry Assistant

Amanda Smith

Haley Watson

Ministry Assistant
Student Ministry Assistant


Brian Ball

Dennis Basden

Walker Gibson

Craig Slay

Ray Upchurch

Andy White

What is our Governance?

Our church governance is a Elder Governance under the leadership of a plurality of Elders. The elder body is comprised of 7 elders: The Senior Pastor, who serves as Lead Elder and six lay elders, who are nominated and affirmed by the church body. Elders are elected to serve a six year term with the terms staggered so that only two men rotate off at a time.

What do Elders do?

The responsibility of an elder is first and foremost to devote himself to the ministries of the church through prayer, teaching, giving counsel to the Senior Pastor/Lead Elder and service to the church ministries. The elders are primarily responsible for the doctrinal integrity of the church. (1 Timothy 3:2; 4:11-16; 2 Timothy 4:1-5; Titus 1:9; 2:1)

What do we mean by Plurality?

The plurality of elders simply means more than one elder is governing our church. This is important because it provides mutual accountability against sin and unwise decisions. Full authority never resides with one leader in a plurality of elders. This model is consistent with congregations addressed in the new testament. (Acts 14:23; 15:22-23; 20:17; 1 Peter 5:1; James 5:14) Both Timothy and Titus were instructed to appoint multiple elders in each local church. With this biblical leadership model we believe there is strength in a plurality of perspective, wisdom, and accountability.