We hope you will come fellowship and serve with us at the Missions Garage Sale as we make God's glory known from the neighborhoods to the nations!
100% of funds raised goes directly to Missions.  Funds raised from the sale can go toward your own participation in a mission trip
or can be applied to someone else's trip or our mission teams project fund.
We need your help so come join all the fun, there is a place for EVERYONE to serve at the Garage Sale!

Set-Up Schedule

2/15 - Move-in day - 9am-4pm
2/16 - Drop off Sunday/afternoon work day - 12pm-5pm
2/17 -2/18 - Work days - 9am-7pm
2/19-2/20 - Closed
2/21- Work day - 9am-pm
2/22 - Saturday work day - 9am-4pm
2/23 - Afternoon work day - 12pm-5pm
2/24-2/26 - Work days - 9am-7pm (end at 4pm on 2/26 for Midweek)
2/27 - Final Setup - 9am-4pm
               Furniture Sale 4pm-8pm
2/28 - Garage Sale - 7am-7pm
3/1 - Garage Sale - 7am-12pm
            Cleanup - 12pm-2pm
3/2 - Celebration Lunch - 12:30 pm

Sign Up to Serve